A thought:
"Our senses define the edge of consciousness, and because we are born explorers and questors after the unknown, we spend a lot of our lives pacing that windswept perimeter: we take drugs; we go to circuses...we pay hugely for culinary novelties...and are even willing to risk our lives to sample a new taste." -- from the introduction of A Natural History of the Senses by Diane Ackerman, in brief (the original quote was a really long list).
I've got some interesting stuff lined up for the new year, so look forward to it. I'm going to explore more than just radical kitchen manoevers. The month of December has been very interesting: holiday insanity, Icewine harvest, and new research and reading on my part in between these things. I have lots to build on, and I'm sifting for what's worthy to include and organize as blog content. The fun won't stop: I'll still chronicle some of the culinary experiments (I'm now armed with a hand blender and a molecular gastronomy book thanks to Christmas). I'm looking to enrich this writing, in short.
All of the sensory experiences that I've had in my entire life still exist inside my brain; they're just waiting to be triggered spontaneously or accessed through reflection. I want to better understand how this works. While some may worry that they kill the romance by removing the mystery, delving deeper on the subject holds considerable artistic and intellectual importance to me. A musician can make beautiful sounds even if they don't necessarily know how it happens, but if they discover that process, does that not aid in further improving the quality of the music that they produce? If I can take the simple perception of scents and flavours to the recognition stage, will it not improve the quality of that recognition?
What experiences can I look forward to in 2011? I can't wait to see, touch, taste, smell and hear.
I wish you all happy and safe celebrating on this coming New Year's Eve! See you in 2011.